Now for all of you who looked at the title and thought "I know what she is talking about!' good for you. For all of the people who don't know what I am talking about... this is for you. I was 12 and my mom never updated her blog. I thought "poor people who want to see what is going on in the Arend house and try to check my moms blog and just see the same old thing again and again... Why not start my own blog!" So off I went. I made "Bemmers Blog" Bemmers is a nickname that no one ever calls me but i use it for everything. I didn't know how to use blogger so i used word press, another bloging website. After 2 months.... ONLY 2 MONTHS!!!! HOW SAD! I stopped bloging and never touched the poor website again.... I was looking at it a few days ago and thought that wll of my fellow followers might want to look back into my past and understand what I was like 2 years ago. Click here to see it. The cat at the top of the blog was my cat Dixie. She died about a year ago. Here are a few answers to a few of the questions you might have after looking at my blog.
Q: Why did you change the title for that blog to the blog you are susing now?
A: I didn' like to old title.
Q: Why did you give up?
A: I don't know to tell you the truth. I think I just got busy and would tell my self I would update everyone later.
If you would like to comment on my old blog posts please don't comment on the old web site... comment on this one. Thank you!
Now Bemmers, you never told the nice people WHY you named this blog OH MY GOODNESS!
ReplyDeleteHi Emily! I saw your fb chat a little while ago ... long after you tried to chat with me. I am excited about your new blog! I like the layout you did and I really like the title. I say that a lot too! Can't wait to see what you write about! Hugs!