Monday, September 5, 2011

Answer for Think Hard Thursday #3



Next Thursday there will be another Think Hard Thursday!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Think Hard Thursday #3

Sorry this is sooooo late!

How many triangles are in this?



Sunday, August 7, 2011

Answers To Think Hard Thursday #1

Here are the late answers to the first puzzle!

1. hair-control foam (Moose)
2. very exposed (Bear)
3. tellin' falsities (Lion)
4. a lamenting cry (Whale)
5. a dull person (Boar)
6. a precious or loved one (Dear)
7. first you get a parking ticket, then you get this (Toad)
8. these make up a chain (Linx)

So the winner of all of the first think hard Thursday was....... Lauren!

Good job Lauren. Now, you all have one day to solve the 2nd Think Hard Thursday!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Think Hard Thursday #2

I know i am a day late... sorry I was busy yesterday... this time you will have untill monday to solve the puzzle...

Think of 4 days that sart with a T.

There is your puzzle... Good luck!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Think Hard Thursday #1

Thanks to Lauren, I have decided to post a brain puzzle or just any old puzzle on my blog. They will be called Think Hard Thursday.

-No prizes
     Well every now and then there might be a prize.
-Everyone ends the next Sunday
     You can still go back and look at them.
-The first person to get it wins!

So... are you ready? Here is the first Think Hard Thursday puzzle!

Find out what the animals are! (for example, "To run away or escape" could be a "flea")

1. hair-control foam
2. very exposed
3. tellin' falsities
4. a lamenting cry
5. a dull person
6. a precious or loved one
7. first you get a parking ticket, then you get this
8. these make up a chain

Can you guess all 8?
You have until Sunday.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Paragraph...

Ok... so the event thingy... I kinda forgot my camera, it was going to be my dance competition...oh well... so here is my post instead...

How quickly can you figure out what is unusual about this paragraph? It looks so ordinary that you would think that nothing is wrong with it at all; and in fact, nothing is. But it is unusual. Why? If you study it and think about it you may find out, but I am not going to assist you in any way. You must do it without coaching. No doubt if you work at it for a long, it will dawn on you. I don't know. Now, go to work and try your luck.

If you can figure out what is unusual about that paragraph... you win... I don't have anything for you to win... you might get something on a latter date... I don't know what.. maybe the winner will help me.

As soon as someone gets it that person wins! good luck... it is hard!

Friday, July 15, 2011


I am sorry I have not bloged in a long time but A blog worthy event is coming up. You will have to wait to see what it is but there will be pictures! So my few fellow followers, you will hear from me soon!